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New Laws in Virginia 7月1日生效, 2021


Here’s a brief summary of some of the more notable laws passed by the 2021 Virginia legislature. Most new laws take effect on July 1st. A common theme is that they are generally considered defense-friendly, but not all. You should consult an attorney or read the code if you want to know specifics.


On March 24, 2021 Virginia became the first southern state to abolish Capital Punishment. 自1976年以来,美国. S. Supreme Court upheld capital punishment (Gregg. v. Georgia), the Commonwealth has executed 113 people, second only to Texas. Advocates for abolition of the death penalty argue that it has been used inequitably against the poor, 智障, 有色人种. Virginia is the 23rd state to abolish the death penalty. 


7月1日生效, 2021 Virginia becomes the first southern state to legalize the possession and use of marijuana. The terms “cannabis” and “marijuana” are used interchangeably. Some important things to know about the legalization are noted below. Sb 1406 hb 2312

  • Possession of more than one ounce is still illegal.
  • Possession by anyone under 21 years is still illegal.
  • Consumption in public is illegal.
  • Cannabis will not be available for sale in VA until 2024.
  • “Adult sharing” of one ounce or less is allowed.
  • The practice of purchasing a small item and receiving a gift of marijuana as is practiced by vendors in Washington, 不允许使用DC.
  • You may grow your own but not more than 4 plants per household which must be hidden from view of the street, inaccessible to those under 21, 和标签.
  • Unless in the sealed manufacturer’s package, cannabis in the passenger area of a vehicle will be considered open container with a presumption of DUI.
  • Prior misdemeanors for possessing or selling marijuana will be sealed from public view.
  • 新法律允许那些目前因大麻相关罪行被监禁的人在原审法院重新审判.
  • 退伍军人事务部已经建立了一个网页,但它不提供法律建议,也不涉及新法律的许多细节. (大麻.维吉尼亚州.gov)

Restaurants/Off-Premises Consumption

Restaurants and others holding an appropriate ABC license can continue to sell mixed drinks and 酒精ic beverages for off-premises consumption for another year, 直到7月1日, 2022. Hb 1879, sb 1299


自2021年1月1日起生效 it is illegal to hold a 手机 or electronic device while driving. Hands-free talking is allowed.

自2021年3月1日起, police cannot stop a vehicle (or pedestrian) under certain circumstances that previously allowed a stop. These offenses include: Odor of 酒精, 大麻气味, 破碎的尾灯, 过期的检验, 破碎的挡风玻璃, 茶色车窗, 有缺陷的设备, and air freshener hanging from a rear-view mirror. 这些物品仍然可以导致传票,但只是作为二次犯罪,而不是作为停车的理由. An 过期的检验 or registration must be at least 4 months past due for a primary stop. Any evidence obtained after an improper stop would be inadmissible in a court of law.  Hb 5058 sb 5029

HB 2262 requires the driver of a motor vehicle to move over a lane if it’s not possible to 超过一个骑自行车的人 with at least three feet of distance; removes the limitation on riding bicycles two abreast; and, 授权州警察局召集一个工作组,审查允许骑自行车的人将停车标志视为让行标志的问题.

司机特权卡 对非英国人开放.S. 如果他们是弗吉尼亚州居民,并且在过去12个月内报告了收入,或者在纳税申报表上被列为受抚养人,那么他们就是公民. 自2021年1月1日起生效HB 1965指示国家空气污染控制委员会从2025年及之后开始实施低排放和零排放车辆计划. 该法案的目的是,允许汽车制造商在弗吉尼亚州设立零排放(电动)汽车信用账户,以增加电动汽车在弗吉尼亚州的销量. 这些积分可以交易或出售,或用于满足制造商在任何车型年度零排放汽车计划中高达18%的积分要求.

搜索 Warrants and Sentencing

搜查令只能在上午8点至下午5点之间执行,除非法官或地方法官根据SB 1475另有特别授权.

如果被告的缓刑被撤销,除非他/她又犯了新的罪行,否则法院不能对他/她再判处监禁. The new law distinguishes “technical violations” as not being a reason for more jail time. 也有一些例外情况,包括公共安全以及评估或参与法院命令的药物所需的时间, 酒精, or mental health treatment program. HB 2038 VA代码19.2-306.1


自2021年1月1日起生效 anyone applying for a 隐藏武器许可证 must take an in-person firearms training course. Virtual courses are no longer acceptable.

HB 2128 increases from three days to five days the time allowed for State Police to complete a 背景调查 before transfer or sale of a firearm. If the State Police have informed the dealer that the report will not be complete within five days, 只要满足了所有其他要求,卖方可继续进行交易而不构成违反.


自2021年1月1日起生效 employers are prohibited from paying employees as 独立承包人 除非他们有文件证明,该雇员符合承包商的要求,根据美国国税局建立的测试. SB 1323

HB 1848 adds illegal discrimination on the basis of disability to the 弗吉尼亚人权法案. 雇主必须为其他方面合格的残疾人士已知的身体和精神缺陷提供合理的便利.


Previously Virginia’s minimum wage was the federal amount of $7.25. Effective May 1st 2021 the minimum wage increased to $9.50. Additional increases will move the minimum wage to $11.00 on January 1, 2022, and to $12.2023年1月1日. 进一步增加到13美元.50 on January 1, 2025, and $15.00 on January 1, 2026 are contingent on the General Assembly's enactment by July 1, 2024.


HB 1889扩展了 租户的保护 直到7月1日, 2022,包括因未支付租金而违反租约的通知,需要提前14天通知(之前为5天)。, 房东必须向租客提供一份支付计划,以弥补六个月(或剩余的租约)的逾期租金, 以较小者为准), landlord must outline remedies available to landlord if tenant fails to pay rent or enter into a payment plan, 并澄清租户不排除参加任何其他租金减免计划,可能通过政府或私人组织提供.

《亚洲博彩平台排名》允许租户在紧急状态期间合理地拒绝房东或代理人展示出租房屋出售或出租,如果他担心自己的健康和安全,由于传染病. 在这种情况下, the tenant must provide a written statement of the refusal and must provide a video tour of the premises.

SB 1215 provides tenant remedies for exclusion from the dwelling, interrupted services or acts by Landlord to make premises unsafe. 应房客的请求, a general district court can enter an ex parte order requiring landlord to return possession to tenant, 恢复亚洲博彩平台排名, or take corrective actions to make the premises safe with a full hearing within ten days. 另外, a tenant may be awarded actual 损害赔偿, 5美元中较大的那个,四千或四个月的租金, plus reasonable attorney’s fees and costs. 

HB 2014 prohibits a landlord from obtaining an order for possession if the tenant has fully paid the late rent, 损害赔偿, 货币的判断, and other costs unless there is a non-monetary breach of contract. If a partial payment is made, the landlord can proceed to obtain possession provided that the landlord has issued a “预约租 notice” with specific wording. 该通知的副本必须连同非法羁留者传票一并送交法院. 他说:“在法庭作出管有判决之前或之后,你缴付部分租金,并不妨碍房东采取行动驱逐你。. 然而, full payment of all amounts you owe the landlord, 包括自付款之日起,租赁协议中规定的欠房东的所有租金, 以及任何损害赔偿, 钱的判断, 律师费的裁决, and court costs made at least 48 hours before the scheduled eviction will cause the eviction to be canceled, 除非在房东提出的非法扣押诉讼中,除了房东未支付租金外,有其他理由可以进入管有令.”


两个 新披露的信息 must be included with a residential sales contract. HB 1824 deals with mold and HB 2320 SB 1289 deals with flood risk.HB 2175, SB 1327 strengthens protections for homeowners facing 丧失抵押品赎回权.

The Virginia Condominium Association Act and Property Owners’ Association Act are amended in HB 1842 to allow associations to make rules regarding 吸烟 in common areas and, for communities that contain attached units, in the attached units. The law allows for the underlying documents to prohibit the board from making such rules, but in absence of such a prohibition, the board of directors may adopt rules prohibiting 吸烟 even inside a private residence.

继承人的财产” owners will be allowed additional time to pay delinquent taxes and to claim inherited property. 这项法律是诺瑟姆州长于2019年成立的弗吉尼亚州种族不平等法律审查委员会的建议. HB 2165


HB 1896, SB 1276 该法案取消了任何通过弗吉尼亚州医保交易所提供的合格健康保险计划中对堕胎的限制. Advocates say this bill removes a medically unnecessary barrier to reproductive care.

HB 66 prohibits insurance carriers from charging more than $50 for a 30-day supply of insulin. 自2021年1月1日起生效

SB 1227允许为医疗补助和家庭获得医疗保险保障(FAMIS)的参保人支付最多12个月的节育费用.


不再下雪. HB 1790 allows schools to teach remotely if the buildings are closed due to inclement weather.

8月1日生效, 2022, any student is eligible for state financial aid if they are eligible for in-state tuition, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Hb 2123, sb 1387 

HB 1940, SB 1439 指示弗吉尼亚州教育部制定指导方针,允许初高中学生参加公民或政治活动,并获得缺席的理由.

HB 2013 prohibits school boards from suing families to collect debts on unpaid school meals.


HB 2099 reduces the amount of time that action can be taken on a 民事判决 从20年到10年. 判决期满前,由书记员记录证明,可以延期两次.

Facial Recognition Technology

HB 2031 prohibits police or campus police from using facial recognition technology.

Absentee Voting and Election Laws

Upon reasonable cause to believe that there has been a 违反选举法 and the rights of a voter have been affected, the Commonwealth’s Attorney may file a civil suit. Available remedies may include a restraining order or injunction, 罚款高达50美元,000 for first offense and $100,第二次违例罚款五千元, and an award to cover plaintiff’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.  SB 1395

HB 1968允许选举委员会或总登记官在周日亲自在总登记官办公室或选民卫星办公室提供缺席投票.


违反a Preliminary Protective Order in a manner that endangers a child shall be a Class One misdemeanor. Previously, this would constitute contempt of court.  SB 1415


HB 2059 prohibits anyone 16 or older from intentionally releasing non-biodegradable 气球. The penalty is $25 per balloon for this civil violation.


HB 2250, SB 1379 从2022年开始,禁止在动物身上进行化妆品试验,禁止在动物身上进行试验的化妆品的销售.

Public Defenders and Prosecuters Compensation

提案HB 869 是否要求任何补充检察官补偿的理事机构也必须对公设辩护人这样做. Although the state compensates prosecutors and public defenders equally, 一些地方政府补贴工资,因此为联邦检察官办公室工作的律师比公设辩护人挣得多. The 2020 bill was left in committee and has not passed, however attention has been drawn to the issue. The City of 弗吉尼亚海滩 is taking steps to change this discrepancy even though it isn’t required by law to do so.

凯瑟琳Byler is a 澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 and 亚洲博彩平台排名 attorney focusing her practice in the areas of real estate, 业务, 监护, 以及遗产规划事宜. She is currently the chair of the Virginia State Bar Real Property Section.

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